Friday is the final day in Pet Idol
Published 12:54 am Friday, March 30, 2012

The final contestants in the Pet idol contest are: (top, from left), Booger, Gabby, (bottom) Rock and Shiloh
Over the past two months, what started out as 27 contestants has been reduced to the final four. And, today marks the last chance for fans of these pets to cast their votes in the Times-Journal’s annual Pet Idol competition.
The pet with the most votes as of 5 p.m., will be declared the winner and earn the Pet Idol title for the next year.
The proceeds from this 8-week competition go to support the Newspapers in Education program and the Central Alabama Animal Shelter.
“I would like to thank everyone who has participated in this year’s contest,” Times-Journal circulation manager Shane Gaut said. “The students in Dallas County and the animal shelter will benefit greatly from the funds raised.”
Each vote costs 25 cents. The pet that earns the most votes in the final round will be declared the winner and featured in the Wednesday, April 4 edition of the Times-Journal.
The final four pets are Booger, a cat owned by Danny Hoggle; Rock, a dog owned by Robert Rose; Shiloh, a dog owned by Gavin and Parker Hewston and Gabby, a dog owned by Clay Longcrier.
For information, call the Times-Journal at 875-2110.