Valley Grande plans citywide cleanup

Published 12:11 am Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Selma’s citywide cleanup Feb. 25 motivated young people and adults to get out and clean up their city, and on Saturday, March 24, the city of Valley Grande plans to do the same.

Sponsored by the Valley Grande City Council, community teams would take parts of the city and clean up litter and trash from 9 a.m. to noon. Valley Grande churches and businesses are also encouraged to get involved.

Valley Grande Mayor Tom Lee and councilwoman Donna Downs recently drove throughout the city to get an idea of what needed to be done concerning the litter.

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Lee presented the council with a map and list of the city’s roads at Monday’s meeting.

“We drove throughout Valley Grande and evaluated all of the roads we have, on a scale from one to 10 and tried to rate them as to which roads are the worst with respect to trash at that time,” Lee said. “What we want to do is divide this up into major areas … and assign a team captain.”

Alabama Hwy. 22, Dallas County Road 81, Valley Creek Church Road and Summerfield Road were identified as some problem areas.

“You get a picture from this (map) of roughly where the trash accumulates,” Lee said. “Hwy. 22 is the greatest amount of traffic of any road that we have out here. The last DOT (Department of Transportation) count a year-and-a-half ago was 12,000 cars a day on Hwy 22 … some of it (trash) is because of a significant amount of traffic on the road.

“The program is put together for us,” Lee said. “We don’t have to finalize it tonight, but what we want to do, is start looking at team areas … I want every neighborhood if possible.”

Valley Grande resident and pastor Larry Stover readily volunteered for areas.

“I’ll take 22 from the north end of town down to Spring Valley (Road), I’ll take Seymore Road, Big Pine (Drive), Dogwood Lane — I’ll take all of those,” Stover said.

Councilman Gene Middlebrooks also jumped on board.

“We can handle from Summerfield Road down to almost Valley Creek — that’s a pretty good little distance there,” Middlebrooks said.

Teams will converge at the Valley Grande Walking Trail around noon. Lunch and garbage picker uppers will be provided. For more information, call 872-0104.