Case waits for day in court

Published 11:00 pm Monday, January 23, 2012

Other than agreeing what day of the week it is, there are likely very few things attorneys “Spud” Seale and Terry Davis agree on. That is unless you count the recent action — or rather inaction — in the Dallas County Circuit Court.

A case that was originally filed on Oct. 31 in Circuit Court, then shipped to Federal Court in Mobile and then was remanded back to Circuit Court in early December has sat idle, waiting for its day in court — a day that was supposed to have been expedited due to the nature of the case.

The case involves the lawsuit filed by former Selma City Schools superintendent Dr. Donald Jefferson against the Selma City School Board, alleging the board violated Alabama’s Open Meetings Act in the lead up to his termination in October.

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“My client is certainly disappointed it has taken this long,” Jefferson’s attorney Terry Davis said. “The purpose of filing this as an Open Meetings violation because they are supposed to be expedited since it does involve public officials.”

Seale, who represents the school board in this case, said he too is not sure what has taken so long in getting this case before a judge and said all the information needed has been filed.

“This is on Judge (Jack) Meigs docket and everything is there,” Seale said. “I really do not have any idea why this has not gone anywhere.”

According to Seale, the court usually sets a court date within seven days of the defendants offering their response to the suit.

In this case, the suit was most recently filed in the circuit court on Dec. 9 and those attorneys representing the school board filed their response electronically on Dec. 19.