Emergency tests set for Tuesday

Published 5:23 pm Monday, January 2, 2012

Dallas County Homeland Security and the Emergency Management Agency will conduct its monthly testing of the emergency outdoor warning sirens Tuesday at 10 a.m.

The tests are designed to ensure sirens in each area of the county are functioning properly should they be needed.

At a recent meeting of the Dallas County Commission, Dallas County Emergency Management Director Rhonda Abbott stressed the importance of these tests.

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“Testing the Emergency Alert System plays a key role in evaluating and improving the systems we need in place to ensure our nation is prepared for all hazards and that people within its borders are able to receive critical and vital information through the system, should it ever be needed,” she said, “It is important to continually check alert mechanisms to ensure accuracy during an actual emergency. Citizens locally realize that once monthly EMA performs test on our  outdoor weather sirens, the test of the EAS is just as important to ensure effective public safety, nationwide, if needed. The test is an important exercise in ensuring that the system is effective in communicating critical information to the public in the event of a real national emergency. “

During the testing period, people are encouraged to listen for their siren. If you do not hear a siren in your respective area, call 874-2515.

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