Unrealistic suggestion has some merit

Published 7:24 pm Monday, December 19, 2011

Last week, the National Transportation Safety Board set off a whirlwind of conversation when it called for a nationwide ban on the use of cell phones and text messaging devices while driving.

The recommendation — if adopted by individual states — would ultimately ban all non-emergency phone calls and all texting by operators of every vehicle on the road.

While an idea worthy of discussion, it is an idea that has little chance of being adopted.

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With that said, there should be serious consideration given to find ways to make driving much safer.

In a world built on technology and the sharing of information at a moment’s notice, it is naive to think we could ask drivers to stop making cell phone calls, but we should find ways to prevent texting, web browsing and other interaction that forces a driver’s eyes off the road.

Then again, it comes back to the discipline and maturity of those driving today.

While there are seat belt laws, there are still those who refuse to protect themselves and others riding along. We have drunk driving laws, but we all know there are those who still choose the idiotic path of drinking and then getting behind the wheel.

The complete ban of cell phone use suggested by the NTSB is unrealistic, but the mere suggestion of the ban at least got us talking and that will hopefully lead to a realistic way of making our roads safer.