Take results of Iron Bowl in stride
Published 10:26 pm Saturday, November 26, 2011
Another Iron Bowl has come and gone. As with every year, one side of the state’s fanbase is on top of the world, while the other is counting the days until a chance at revenge arrives.
It’s a cycle that will never end as long as the game is played.
The Iron Bowl is a rivalry that causes emotions — specifically tempers — to run high. In recent years, the rivalry has reached its boiling point. For the past four seasons this game has had a say in which team had the opportunity to move forward in the quest for a national championship.
It’s no wonder the fans have been on edge.
The important thing is that we keep these emotions in check. There is nothing wrong with a little good-natured ribbing, but it is important to know the limits.
Yes, the outcome of this came carries 365 days worth of bragging rights. But, be tactful when you gloat.
The same is true for those on the losing end. It’s easy to be a gracious winner, but it can be very difficult to be a gracious loser. If your team does not perform as well as you had hoped, simply look forward to next year, Take the jokes and abuse from winning fans with a smile. Your chance to shine will come soon enough.
This rivalry is important to a lot of people. Let’s face it, if this were just any other game ESPN would never have taken the time to film a documentary highlighting the highs and lows of the Iron Bowl. We can’t ask anyone to pretend like this is just another game — it’s not. We can ask that fans from both sides take whatever result may come with class.
That’s what this rivalry is really all about.