Public safety is focus of forum
Published 8:53 pm Thursday, October 20, 2011
Whether you’ve been a Selma resident for two years or 20 years, no one can deny the issue of crime has left a heavy burden on the city, leaving many to question the city’s safety.
Selma City Council Ward 8 councilman Corey Bowie plans to address the dismal fact through a public safety forum Thursday, Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. inside the Carl C. Morgan Convention Center, giving residents a chance to address their concerns and feelings about crime in the area. Special guests include Selma City Schools Board of Education member Frank Chestnut, District Attorney Michael Jackson, Selma Fire Chief Mike Stokes, Dallas County Sheriff Harris Huffman and Selma Chief of Police William T. Riley.
Bowie, who organized the event, said he decided to put a meeting together after much concern from the community. Bowie said the meeting plans to engage citizens, encouraging them to be proactive in their neighborhoods and city to help lower crime rates.
“Hopefully it will serve a dual purpose for citizens to gain knowledge and law enforcement to inform citizens on ways to advert crime,” Bowie said. “This meeting will give foresight to be aware of surroundings and look at ways to prevent crime from occurring.”
And with the holidays quickly approaching, Bowie said it makes the meeting even more vital to residents.
“You will never totally eradicate crime but you can make people more cognizant,” Bowie said. “Each representative will have a booth so the public can pick up info … hopefully the forum will make citizens more aware and hopefully we can come together with a plan to address this crime.”
In addition, Bowie believes the forum will be beneficial in helping to remove “fear” from residents.
“I think it will be an asset,” Bowie said. “You can’t continue to be idle and not proactive. It’s a venue maybe they can vent their frustrations to law enforcement and law enforcement can tell us what can be done … the safer the city is, the more productive it will be; I encourage citizens to come out.”
There will also be a question-and-answer session during the forum, Bowie said.
For more information about the forum, contact Bowie at 349-5723.