Students need your support

Published 8:38 pm Thursday, August 4, 2011

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s hot out there.

It’s not the summer heat we have come to expect. This heat seems to be coming with a vengeance.

If you think the heat is tough for those of us walking down the street, imagine what it is like for our local athletes and band members.

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These young people are spending hours at a time in the blistering sun to prepare for their upcoming seasons.

Football players are now in full pads, band members are hammering out their routines, and volleyball players are in stuffy gymnasiums. It’s tough out there.

That’s all the more reason to get out and support them when games begin.

For most of the football teams, this is not a problem. But far too many times our volleyball teams play in front of smaller crowds than they deserve.

In Dallas County, we have a strong tradition of volleyball squads making the playoffs and winning championships. This is no accident.

These players pay the price in their preseason workouts to get to the level they have achieved.

The same is true for the bands. When halftime arrives this fall, spend a little extra time in the stands before you head to the concession stand and take in a show. Just as we are known for our football and volleyball skills, Dallas County bands have a strong reputation around the state. Summer workouts are probably the toughest physical challenge many of these young people will ever have in their lives. It’s hot, it’s tough and a lot of times they will question their sanity for participating in these activities. What they don’t see is the character they are gaining that will help them over achieve for the rest of their lives.

Surviving the summer is a tremendous accomplishment and takes self-discipline. These young people should be rewarded with the support they deserve.

When your school’s volleyball team takes the court this fall, find a seat. When the football team takes the field, stand up and yell. When the band performs a halftime show, make some noise. It takes a special person with a tremendous amount of dedication to brave the heat and stick with the program.

It’s up to  us to applaud those efforts and show out appreciation.