Bond delayed for Pearson

Published 11:23 pm Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bond for Devin Pearson will be announced at a later date, District Judge Bob Armstrong announced Tuesday during hearings.

Pearson, who fired shots at the West Dallas Winn Dixie after expressing anger over hours and wages, appeared at the bond hearing on charges of terrorist threats.

Assistant District Attorney Lloria James said the state sought a $1 million bond and Pearson’s defense asked for something “significantly lower.”

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However, Armstrong delayed bond until a July 11 preliminary so that Pearson can be properly evaluated.

“He advised that he be held for mental evaluation,” James said.

“Until then he will be held with no bond and will appear before the judge during the preliminary hearing. At that point they will be able to evaluate him and a bond will be set.”

Pearson, 23, of Selma, entered the store at about 10:40 a.m. Sunday carrying two pistols, one of which turned out to be a BB gun.

Selma Police Department Lt. Johnny King said Pearson “came in to talk about some personal problems and had two guns on him at the time.”

Pearson then explained his situation to the manager and became angry that he was not being taken seriously.

Pearson fired two shots and was trying to reload his weapon when the staff overtook him and wrestled him to the ground, holding him until authorities could arrive.

Authorities said Pearson has a history of mental illness and the period leading up to the July 11 hearing will allow him to get back on his medication and prevent him from becoming a danger to others in the community.