Lions come together for convention

Published 11:50 pm Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lion Clubs from all over the area will gather Saturday at the St. James Hotel on Water Avenue to reflect on the successes of the past year and plan for future fundraisers.

The 34C District Convention, Selma Lions Club president Russell Haskell said, is a great chance for clubs to enjoy each other’s company and trade ideas.

“It’s basically every club in the district coming together to elect officers under one roof,” he said. “We also trade ideas and look at a few things we can do to promote community service.”

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Though the chapters differ, Haskell said the mission is the same.

“The Lions Club does a lot of work trying to help those who are losing or have lost their sight,” he said. “We usually donate $8,000 to $12,000 to help people get glasses and free screenings.”

The convention will welcome Lions from 27 Alabama counties to Selma March 18 through March 20.

Yamanda P. Acosta, Lions Club International Director, will be the guest speaker.

Acosta, a member of the Eufaula chapter, has held many offices since joining the club in 1970. He has served as club president, zone chair, council chair, district convention chair and state convention chair, vice district governor and district governor.

He also served as chairperson of the Latin America extension team, a member of the School for Governors, Campaign Sight First II sector coordinator for MD34, LCIF state coordinator and has presented the USA/Canada Forum.

For more information about the convention call Haskell at 850-9303 or Rachel Graham at 412-2425.