Public money deserves public attention

Published 10:11 pm Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The end of a search for a chief financial officer for the Selma City School System is in sight. The 3-member interview panel has question six applicants. The panel will choose two and recommend those two as finalists for interviews by the entire board.

The final interviews, just as the initial vetting, will be conducted in the public arena.

The public is invited to attend. The announcement will come soon.

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The school board should have earned a little trust from the public by holding these interviews in public, although no more than about three people ever attended the meetings.

The school board also made public the resumes of those who applied for the job.

A very public process of hiring public servants, those paid for by taxpayers’ dollars is difficult sometimes for those doing the hiring, but good for the board’s credibility.

The public should attend the final interviews.

After all, that chief financial officer will control millions of dollars of public money.