School CFO interviews continue Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Published 11:45 pm Monday, September 6, 2010
SELMA — The final two candidates for the Selma School System’s vacated chief financial officer’s slot will have their interviews today.
The interviews begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Central Office on Broad Street.
The final two candidates are Elouise Brown of Selma and Shasta Brown of Selma.
Elouise Brown earned a master’s degree in business management from Troy University; a bachelor’s in business from the University of alabama and attended Wallace Community College Selma.
She has worked in customer service, accounts payable as a bookkeeper and payroll clerk, according to her resume filed with the school system.
Shasta Brown of Selma earned a master’s degree in accounting from Troy University Montgomery and is working on a degree in human resources management at Troy University Montgomery.
She has worked as an accountant and office manager, according to documents filed with the Selma City Schools.
This will make a total of six interviews for the position left vacant when Maria Glover resigned to take a similar job in Jefferson County with Fairfield City Schools.
School board member Frank Chestnut Jr., chairman of the search committee, said he believes the interviews are progressing well.
“We have good candidates,” he said.
Other members of the committee are Udo Ufomadu and interim superintendent Don Jefferson.
Jefferson said he believes the interview process is going well.
The committee will recommend two or three candidates to be interviewed by the school board in a public forum, Chestnut said.
After choosing the candidates, the committee will be dissolved and the process will be placed into he hands of the school board, Chestnut added.