Be careful this Labor Day

Published 10:12 pm Thursday, September 2, 2010

We’re about into the Labor Day Weekend — the last gasp of summer before school grabs the kids and the adults begin to settle in for cooler autumn days that become short before most of us turn around.

AAA, the auto club, projects a 10 percent increase in holiday travelers over last year nationwide — that’s about 34 million people expected to take trips of at least 50 miles.

It’s a sure bet that most people will travel somewhere for this holiday weekend.

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Alabama State Troopers will be on the road with radar and roadblocks, attempting to keep drunk and dangerous drivers off the road.

Motorists need to observe the speed limits. Those who drink should find a designated driver or stay away from behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Click or get a ticket. Motorists need to make sure everyone in the vehicle is buckled up. Babies and toddlers are most important. Experts say babies who are not in the proper restraints are about three times more like to die in an accident than those who are buckled up

In other words, mind the rules and come home safely.