Marina needs attention quickly

Published 8:16 pm Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waterfront access and protection are important to many cities on the Gulf Coast and other farther inland along major rivers in Alabama.

Selma is fortunate to have waterfront access along the Alabama River.

At one point, the city had a thriving marina and restaurant. But more than a year ago, that structure burned. A boat landing remains and it’s used frequently.

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But this area could be so much more.

The Selma City Council is faced with a dilemma. The city has about $100,000 in bond money to rebuild a new marina that would house a restaurant, bait shop and other amenities for boaters.

Selma also has grant money to install a fuel pump for boaters coming up and down the river.

But the city has yet to move on the projects.

Mayor George Evans said recently $100,000 will build an elevated structure of 1,000-square-feet.

The city is ready to proceed with the project, which should result in a building with a tin roof and rough-hewn look on the outside.

It is time to move on this project. Every day the city is without a marina, our potential for attracting more tourists suffers.

The city has missed the summer boating traffic. Fall is not far away, and more will bring their boats to enjoy the balmy weather.

The council should take up the issue of the marina at its next meeting in early September.