Fallen soldiers remembered
Published 5:53 pm Monday, May 31, 2010
Amid the chatter at outdoor picnics and poolside celebrations of a day off from work, more than 150 people gathered at Memorial Stadium to honor those who gave their lives to defend their country.
“This day is forever concentrated to our heroic deeds, and is a symbol to express, once again, our sincere reverence to the monument that represents the resting place of many of our fallen comrades that have served in wars,” said Rayburn Hill, member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3016.
“Wherever the body of a comrade lies, there the ground is hollow,” he added.
Hill read the names of the fallen servicemen of Dallas County in order of the wars in which their lives were lost.
After the names had been read, a bell rang in memory of them.
Jessie Sanchez, American Legion Post 20 member, played “Taps” as the crowd stood in silence.
Selma Mayor George Evans closed the event by offering appreciation to all veterans for their service.
“I want to thank all of you who are veterans of war who had served and are alive to witness this occasion,” Evans said.
“I think it’s a moment and occasion for all of us.”
Observances of Memorial Day began on May 30, 1868. It has been commemorated on the last Monday in May since 1971.