Riverside Park set for battle
Published 7:20 pm Thursday, April 15, 2010
SELMA — The Yankees are coming, but they’re not here yet.
And on the re-enactment field at Riverview Park in Selma, members of the April 1865 Society Inc. are preparing the battlegrounds.
But The Battle of Selma, set for April 22-25 is much more than a bunch of folks running around in 19th century battle dress for the North or South. It’s a learning experience.
This is the fourth year Wallace Community College-Selma has worked with the Society to allow students, 500-to-1,000 a day the experience of a hands-on living history event. Among the events are 10 living history stations, a cannon night firing demonstration on Friday and a camp dance, featuring the music of a period band, Sulter’s Row.
The Friday morning session is closed, but slots remain for Thursday morning, Thursday noon and Friday noon.
James Hammonds, president of the 1865 Society, pointed out the lesson plans and materials for teachers to use on the Web site, www.battleofselma.com.
For those wanting a taste of the event, 1860s-style food and beverages will be available at the site. Sutlers will also have clothes, jewelry, toys and souvenirs.
You don’t have to go to the battle site to get the official battle t-shirt because they’re on sale at Swift Drug Co. in Selma. The shirts honor the Flag of the Marion Light Infantry, known as Company G, 4th alabama Infantry Regiment.
Nicola Marschall painted the design and it was donated to the company by the ladies of Marion.
Hammonds said it became the regimental flag of the 4th Alabama, which carried it into battle at First Manassas in 1861.