Council must close streets
Published 10:15 pm Saturday, March 20, 2010
Once again the Selma City Council will meet on Tuesday. The closure of the streets around Bush Hog will surface again.
And, because of the council’s delay, Selma may miss a $20 million investment by a company seeking to partner with Alamo Group Inc., Bush Hog’s parent company.
Alamo wants to place the potential investor in Selma because the infrastructure for production already exists here at Bush Hog. The problem? High risk for accidents on public streets surrounding the plant and a lack of security.
This investor would mean an immediate capital investment in Selma, which would entrench Bush Hog here. Additionally, more people would have access to new jobs — a lifeline to this county with 20.1 unemployment.
Instead, a majority of council members shift uncomfortably in their seats of power and talk about alternatives.
One vote. One person. That’s all it takes to push this street closure through.
Sure this is a hard vote. But that’s the job these elected officials asked for when they asked for the trust and confidence of the voters about two years ago to put them in office.
Two years ago, Selma would face a new day; a progressive government.
Now, faced with its first hard task, a majority of the council appear squeamish.
The voters of Selma elected new council members to lead them into prosperity and growth. The voters of Selma did not elect a majority of new council members to have the same lackluster promises experienced in the years prior.
It’s time for a stand. Tuesday night, the council should vote overwhelmingly to close those streets surrounding Bush Hog. For the sake of those 288 employees, several of whom have spoken up about their concerns; and for the sake of the rest of us who care not to see our city dry up economically.