Parents need help with children
Published 12:56 am Thursday, March 18, 2010
Parents and schools working together to ensure the success of students seems like a no-brainer. And in a less complicated world that might be so.
Yet, these days with so many pressures on the family — many times overseen by a single parent — children sometimes slip through the cracks in education.
Additionally, many parents sometimes do not know how to cope with the increasing demands of their children at school, especially in a highly technological world.
The Selma City School System is offering seminars to help parents and other care-givers of children to gain the tools they need in today’s world.
The seminars are free and offered through a grant obtained from the U.S. Department of Education.
Experts, such as Jacquelynne Eccles, Allan Wigfield and Ulrich Schiefele, have determined the success of programs for parent education are measured according to the way the parent changes styles of parenting or the child improves. They also have pointed out training leads to improvement.
This is an important step to helping bridge the educational gap.
The Selma City School System and Dr. Austin Obasohan, the superintendent, should be applauded for taking the initiative.