L.E.A.D. students show off
Published 1:51 am Friday, February 19, 2010
Students and Selma Links, Inc members showcased the information students have learned through Project L.E.A.D., Links Educate, Accommodate and Develop, at the PTSO meeting at Sophia P. Kingston Thursday evening.
“We are so delighted that you have allowed Selma Links to come into the school,” said Nancy Sewell as she greeted the more than 150 parents and guardians in attendance.
Students sang the etiquette song, demonstrated the correct manner to set a formal table, procedures for C.P.R., test-taking tips, personal hygiene rules and ways to have a safe kitchen.
“The program contains structured, straightforward information,” said Dr. Patricia Robinson, director. “We believe they can achieve and we will lift them up.”
Project L.E.A.D. targets at-risk students, disadvantaged children and latchkey children, who are children who go home to an empty house because parents are working or otherwise not at home and have little or no parental supervision at home generally. Sessions are during after school program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for 30 minutes each session.
“I think we were welcomed with open arms and I think the parents are enjoying it because they are seeing their children are involved,” said Francis Bumbrey, public relations for Project L.E.A.D. “I think parents are interested to see what their children are doing in the after school program.”
Selma, California, Connecticut, and the Chicago area are the first to test the effectiveness of the Project L.E.A.D. curriculum.
The program will conclude at the end of April. This is the first year the Links, Inc. has used the program, so in order to asses the level of accomplishment of the program, students will also take an exit survey to compare with the entrance survey.
“I hope they have swallowed something that they have learned,” said Links member Dorothy Gardner.
Links, Inc. is one of the oldest and largest volunteer organizations, comprised of professional women of color. The Selma Chapter is one of 270 in the United States and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.