Dallas County Sheriff’s Dept. yearly report
Published 7:39 pm Saturday, January 9, 2010
For the year 2009
Rape-16, robbery-9, arson-2, burglary-158, assault first-degree-8, assault second-degree-20, assault third-degree-298, theft of a motor vehicle-19, theft of property first-degree-52, theft of property second-degree-90, theft of property third-degree-169, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle-19, breaking and entering of a motor vehicle-60, child abuse-5, forgery-11, discharging firearm into dwelling-8, discharging firearm into motor vehicle-6, deceased person-38, criminal mischief-138, suicide-1, attempted suicide-2, missing persons-30, firearm violation-4, ungovernable behavior-53, fire-27, other sex crimes-14, meancing-24, reckless endangerment-36, harassment-252, harassing communication-85, criminal trespass-40, disorderly conduct-26, prowler-3, civil matter-95, lost property-28 and other-60.
Total offenses for Dallas County in 2009-1,906 and total offenses for Dallas County in 2008-1,955 for a decrease of 49 offenses reported, which is a 2.51 percent decrease in total crime.