Rotarians plan to help Habitat for Humanity

Published 12:56 am Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SELMA — Many members of the community are eager to aid monetarily and physically to reconstruct the recently vandalized Habitat for Humanity house on Hope Street.

The Selma Rotary Club plans to donate part of the profits from the annual Wine and Cheese event Thursday night to Habitat for the rebuild. The club also plans to participate in a work day.

“The wine and cheese is taking on more meaning for this year,” said Valerie Chittom, Rotary Club president. “Being able to tie that in with the wine and cheese gives the community an opportunity to help out.”

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The wine and cheese event is the fall fundraising event the Rotary Club holds.

“Both are designed to bring in the income and give it back to the community,” Chittom said.

After Chittom heard about the damage to the Habitat home from Bubba Stough, president of the Board of Directors of Habitat for Selma, she and the Rotary board decided some of the profits needed to go to help Habitat, a program with which the Rotary Club is already involved.

“Habitat’s operating funds are so low we’re looking for any help we can get,” Stough said.

He said he is grateful to the people of Selma. “It means a lot to everyone on the board,” Stough said.

The Habitat home was vandalized on the weekend of Oct. 16. Police suspect the break-in was to obtain the copper from the wiring in the home. Prices of copper have increased recently. Estimated cost of repairs is $15,000.

The Annual Wine and Cheese event will be held at Sturdivant Hall at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

Tickets are $25 each, which includes heavy appetizers and drinks. Contact Chittom at 327-9141.