Gee’s Bend seniors to benefit from grant
Published 4:18 pm Monday, October 19, 2009
MONTGOMERY — A $25,000 Community Development Block Grant to the Wilcox County Commission will see construction of a new senior center at Gee’s Bend.
Gov. Bob Riley made the announcement Monday.
The Boykin Nutritional Center has provided a site for seniors to meet because no other was available. Seniors eat meals, recreate, participate in health screenings and social activities, including the quilt making that has made the residents of Gee’s Bend so famous.
The 1,200-square-foot center will be built near a new terminal for an Alabama River ferry that connects Gee’s Bend and north Wilcox County with Camden, the county seat.
The Wilcox County Commission has pledged $75,000 in local dollars for the project.
The CDBG funding was made available to the state through a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grant.