We need to recall, relive 9/11
Published 9:08 pm Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lest we forget.
Eight years ago, terrorists commandeered airliners and smashed them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania (after passengers took over). Many lives were lost. Many more lives damaged by the fear and loss suffered that day.
As painful as remembering might be, those minutes many Americans sat or stood stunned in front of a television are instructive. They tell us many things about ourselves, our nation and our leadership.
We need to play those tapes over and over in our heads to remember that it can happen here. It has happened here. Nothing can stop terrorists from attacking American interests somewhere in this world if terrorists really care that much about it.
We need to remember Sept. 11, 2001, as a day of infamy; a day that brought this nation together. It is so important to remember working as a committee we are whole, but when we split into groups, we do not have our total resources and our might is reduced.
If we do not recall the lessons of 9/11 and those who died heroically on that day and in the other days to come, their sacrifices are liable to become moot. Americans made that distinction during the Vietnam War and it divided our nation.
We do not need division. We so badly need to join together.
Lest we forget.