A program worthy of support

Published 10:27 pm Saturday, August 22, 2009

More than a year of effort came to fruition at the Performing Arts Center on Saturday as the Selma Youth and Community Orchestra serenaded its audience with classical music, ensembles and solos.

Saturday’s performance was a feast for the ears, and a wonderful photo-op for beaming parents and relatives.

But, it was so much more.

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This is an example of the type of program this city can produce. It is one that offers its participants not only a safe after-school activity, but one that can instill dedication, determination and confidence.

Who knows. It may even produce the next big musical name. Everybody has to start somewhere.

The program’s effects reach beyond its pupils as well, as the community has rallied around it and offered whatever support it needs to ensure its success.

Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church allowed the orchestra to use its facilities for free before the group’s increasing size forced it to move to the Hampton Inn. Both facilities, in addition to the Performing Arts Center, also allowed the orchestra to hold concerts for free as well.

The success of the orchestra, which has grown from 43 students in June, to 71 students in lessons and 43 in the orchestra — is proof that there are positive programs out there that can make an impact with community support and parental support.

All involved in getting the program off the ground and growing it should be applauded for their efforts.