Davis doesn’t follow Obama, he follows constituents

Published 7:01 pm Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear editor,

Last week Tommy Mobley wrote a letter that carried an overwhelming inference that Congressman Artur Davis is an Obama pawn. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Mr. Mobley knew Rep. Davis, or bothered to learn about his actual stance on issues, he would find that Congressman Davis’ views represent the majority of mainstream Alabama.

Mr. Mobley suggests that Congressman Davis is in favor of Obama’s health care plan. In fact, Rep. Davis has said that he opposes the bill in its current form. Further, he has been on the record in both the Birmingham News and the Opelika-Auburn News stating his opposition – Birmingham News – U.S. Rep. Artur Davis of Birmingham says no to healthcare bill and Opelika-Auburn News – Health care bill a ‘no’ for Artur Davis.

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In addition, Rep. Davis has introduced an amendment, requiring Members of Congress to enroll in same public plan they create. He also proposed that all Members of Congress pay a 1 percent surtax—the same tax that upper-income households would have to pay – Birmingham News – Davis wants Congressional accountability.

Davis’ outspoken call for accountability and fairness in the healthcare debate is refreshing to hear from a Democratic House Member.

What I know of Congressman Artur Davis—and I’ve known him a long time — he makes his decisions based on what he truly thinks is the right thing for the people he has sworn to represent. I have heard him say many times that “the best politics is the right thing; not because it is the best politics; but because it IS the right thing.” If you do your homework, you’ll see that Rep. Davis stands on his own.

Susan Keith
