Be wary when classes resume

Published 8:23 pm Thursday, August 6, 2009

With students in Selma City Schools, the Dallas County School District and area academies returning to the non-summer grind Monday, awareness and safety cannot be overstressed.

Motorists going to work in the morning or driving near schools mid-afternoon need to keep an eye out for students crossing busy intersections.

Pedestrians are not the only worry motorists will face. If a bus is making a drop, be patient, and allow the student to exit and get out of the road. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus.

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Yes, the seconds can seem like minutes, but it is for the students’ safety.

The students themselves need to be equally cautious. Students below high school-age likely will not have to to worry about crashing their vehicles to or from school. But, be wary crossing the street at all times.

A watchful eye must be kept on younger students. Many tend not to demonstrate a full understanding of the dangers of running out of sidewalks and through intersections without being cautious.

Yes, the days of summer, when it’s easy to drive past schools without a second thought, are nearing their close. Safety and awareness are keys to avoiding tragedies when the doors reopen and bells sound again.