Bond issue brings early attention

Published 7:08 pm Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday marked the first public hearing or Town Hall meeting for prospective voters to hear about the proposed bond issue for Selma.

About 50 people attended the meeting at Selma High School — a higher-then-expected turnout, especially since the vote is not until Oct. 27.

People in attendance received a list of proposed projects and their costs broken down by city department. Mayor George Evans answered questions about the projects. When he didn’t know the answers, the referred to the department heads who attended the meeting.

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Prospective voters asked intelligent and carefully considered questions. Some members of the audience made suggestions to tweak some of the projects on the list. Others suggested new projects.

This bond issue list is a work in progress. City officials are conducting themselves properly by going to the public and listening to them.

It is good to see voters coming together and taking an interest in their communities.

After all, this is likely the last bond issue Selma will see for the next generation.