It takes a village

Published 11:24 pm Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dear editor,

Dr. Crisman Freeman in his book, “Wisdom Made in America,” asked a profound question, “Where does real education begin?”  

He stated that “it begins with a burning desire for knowledge.”  I agree with this statement, but moreover, I believe real education begins when the community and schools are united on common ground and put the interest of the children first.  

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As we begin a new school year, I am asking that the community unites with the Selma City Schools System and do what is right for the children of our city.

Although we have encountered a lot of barriers and setbacks this year, our dedicated and committed educators and staff have continued to keep their focus on the children.  

As a new year rapidly approaches, I am asking them to continue to put the children first and let us work to ensure that every child within our system receives the quality education that they deserve.  

But we can not accomplish this alone. An African proverb declares that “it takes a village to raise a child.”  That village is our community.  We must work hand-in-hand and we must be unselfish in our efforts if we are going to prepare our students for leadership roles and enable them to compete in the 21st century.

As we welcome everyone back to a new year, a year of renaissance and new beginnings, I am asking that our community share in and be supportive of our vision for the Selma City Schools System.

I invite every community member to join with me and to support our schools.  The improvement of our system must be a collaborative effort.  I cherish the opportunity to be your humble servant.  My doors are open to your ideas and views.  So let us share the vision and do what is right for all of God’s children within our city.    

This summer, many of our teachers have voluntarily given up their summer vacations to attend professional development that will enable them to better serve our students.  

I would like to take this time to commend each of them for their dedication and commitment. The Selma City Schools System has high expectations for all children and our teachers, principals and staff will continue to work tirelessly to help them attain their dreams.

My family and I would like to thank the city of Selma for your continued support.

Your humble servant,

Dr. Austin S. Obasohan
