You get what you pay for
Published 12:11 am Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sometimes, it’s better to bite the financial bullet than to cut corners. That’s the case with the Selma City Council’s decision to accept a proposal from an engineer rather than take a cheaper route with Brownfields expert Debra Love.
About a week ago, the council received a contract from Love through Mayor George Evans to become project manager for a project closing the landfill on Chestnut Avenue and opening a new landfill in East Selma.
Some questions were raised about Love’s capability to handle these tasks. Evans agreed to bring more information to the table, which he did Tuesday night.
A representative for the Montgomery-based engineering firm said his group could oversee the project and had the expertise to work the project.
This seems the best way to approach the closing of one landfill and opening another. While Love may be qualified to be the project manager; there’s no need to piecemeal this most important task.