Morgan students have hope for new administration

Published 3:02 pm Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration was not a catalyst for special events or school-wide observation at Morgan Academy on Tuesday.

However, it wasn’t for a lack of effort. There were plans to show Obama’s address on a video screen in the gym, but it did not come to fruition. However, the speech was widely available to eyes and ears throughout the school.

It played via an Internet stream in the main office. Other students and faculty members watched from a television in the library.

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“It reminded me a lot of (John F. Kennedy’s) speech,” said Pat Clare, a high school English and French teacher. “I am cautiously optimistic. I like change.”

Four students watched the speech as they worked on papers. They were not optimistic of Obama’s success, referencing his inexperience and youth.

“A teacher who has no experience but college can come in and be the best teacher you’ve had,” Clare fired back.

Other students — particularly Judy Twilley’s Alabama History class — dedicated class time to the speech and discussion of it.

“For the most part I thought the speech was very encouraging,” said Twilley. “We all hope for the future. If this president is successful, we are successful.”

Several of her students shared her sentiments.

“I think the speech was very encouraging,” said freshman Leslie Schroeder. “I like how he handled about the economy. He does kind of want to help get the economy back on their feet.”

Paul Smith Alexander was excited by Obama’s plan, but has reservations as well.

“I think Obama has a good plan for the economy,” said Alexander. “Things I don’t agree with are all the things they’re tacking on like the stimulus packages and stuff they’re going to provide for the homes that the cities and states should be providing for. I don’t agree with that.”

Shelby Moore wants to see Obama succeed, but likely will not agree with some of his decisions over the next four years.

“I don’t agree with a lot of things Obama does, but hopefully he can help us fix our economy,” said Moore. “He’s in my prayers every night.”