Showing off our best
Published 2:29 am Saturday, October 11, 2008
So much going on this weekend.
If you’re a visitor to Selma for our Riverfront Market Day, then welcome to our city. We hope you enjoy these festivities that celebrate the history of the downtown area, its constant revitalization and the Alabama River, which made this city and is as much a part of Selma’s history as any building you’ll view and walk through.
We also point you to the lovely butterflies that sponsors and artists have freed all over the city. Selma is the butterfly capital of Alabama, and we’re very proud of this fact.
Indeed, we’re doubly proud of the collaborative efforts between sponsors — businesses, organizations and individuals — and artists that resulted in these wooden winged creatures.
If you have the time, please stay with us through the evening for a little story telling session over at the Pickard Auditorium. You will discover Selma’s gem —Kathryn Windham, who is known worldwide for her ability to spin a story and keep folks enthralled.
Oh, and if you want a change of scenery, go the Old National Guard Armory on Dallas Avenue and the Lions Club Fairgrounds for the Central Alabama Fair.
You’ll love the booths, the food (if you haven’t already filled up at Market Day) the rides and sights and sounds.
If you’re hanging around in the afternoon, the little girls — Tiny Miss and Little Miss — will strut their stuff on stage at the pavilion in a couple of beauty pageants.
The Tiny Miss pageant begins at 2 p.m., and the Little Miss pageant begins at 4 p.m.
Who knows? Maybe a future Miss America or Miss Universe will appear on stage this afternoon.
It’s a beautiful day, and Selma has much to offer.
So, welcome to our city.