Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, August 26, 2008
to make shopping safe
Staff reports
The Selma Times-Journal
Selma Police Chief Jimmy Martin has activated Operation Safe Shop for the 2005 holiday season.
The program was initiated to ensure the safety of holiday shoppers and to provide extra protection in larger shopping centers.
Selma police officers and school crossing guards will be assigned to area shopping malls and retail centers. Martin also emphasized prevention of breaking and entering vehicles.
Martin said it is easy during the busy holiday season for all of us to become distracted and to let our guard down. Staying alert is an important first step local citizens and business owners can take in order to prevent themselves from becoming an easy target for criminals, Martin said.
Martin urges residents to be aware of their surroundings whether they are shopping, working or at home. He also wants to remind citizens to trust their instincts and call police to report suspicious persons, activities or vehicles.