Stepping outside government for community
Published 9:43 pm Saturday, August 9, 2008
Two big events stand as excellent examples of community working together.
On Friday, a group of people gathered to dedicate Family Doc in a Bus. This is the vision of a physician, Dr. Monica Newton, who lives here in Selma. She began networking about three years ago to create a solution to health care for people without insurance.
With seed money from various entities and organizations; with sponsorships from other local groups, including some non-profits and United Way, people without insurance will have access to basic medical tests and a physician.
So, what if they need medicines.
Actually, the community has an answer for that through Healthlink, one of the sponsors of Family Doc in a Bus. Healthlink reaches out to people without health insurance, but who need prescription drugs to survive.
But there’s more.
Many times, we’ve pointed out the deteriorating buildings along Water Avenue and asked why of our local government.
On Friday, a reporter from The Selma Times-Journal walked through one of those dilapidated buildings, the Carneal building, with A.C. Reeves of ArtsRevive and heard that organization’s vision to take that structure and turn it into a block of studios for artists, a gathering area for the community and a place just to sit and enjoy art.
This non-profit’s aim: To bring together community through the arts; to draw people into Selma by offering a place to create and enjoy art.
Selma can only become richer.
But this city will not see these projects through if we — each one of us with the ability — do not contribute in some form.
Consider it our civic tithe: to volunteer, to donate, to contribute in-kind as each of us are able.
We need to continue these efforts for the sake of all of us; for the sake of community.