Here come the Georgies
Published 1:07 am Monday, July 21, 2008
I woke up one day with light shining on my face and thought of something brilliant.
Actually, no, that’s not the way it happened.
I was playing around on my computer begging my brain to shove an idea, any idea, toward the top of my thought process.
Then it hit me — it’s awards season.
The Oscars were, what, a couple of weeks ago. Oh, February? Really? Okay, close enough.
Emmy nominations were announced last week, and the ESPY Awards were given out, too.
But all those pale in comparison to the brilliant idea that hit me.
I spend all this time talking about sports, why don’t I give out awards of my own? I know, I know. I should have thought of this sooner.
It is my mission now to bring you, the people, the categories for the greatest, most absurd and most unusual achievements in sports. I will call my awards … the Georgies.
Thing is, I haven’t nailed all the categories down yet.
But here are a few at the top of “The List”:
Best quote: There’s nothing like catching an athlete during a candid moment — especially if the producer has to hit the panic during the interview. The best quote should be entertaining, insightful and articulate. And if I can’t get that, I’ll settle for funny to the point of embarrassment.
Best sideline/locker room reporter: Since most of them stink, this may not be too hard a choice. But I’ll give this an honest shot and make them feel they matter.
Best throwback uniform: Most teams don’t get that some things should die. The ones that do should be applauded.
Best announcer duo: Anyone with a great voice and great research can stand out on his own. But stick him beside a dumb ex-athlete with a dictionary stashed under his seat, and a good broadcast goes bad. This is a tribute to the perfect marriage.
Most creative off-field incident: What? Screw-ups need love, too.
Best play by a non-superstar athlete: A guy with little playing time and even less talent saves his team at the last minute. It’s the stuff of movies and ridiculous award ceremonies.
Since I’m flailing in the dark hear (and pretty sure these awards will be a bust), I’m open to ideas. If you have nominations or categories you would like to see awards given in, let me know.
I will unveil the very first Georgies for sports excellence — or something like that — in two weeks.