Happy Birthday, Kathryn Tucker Windham
Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Selma Times-Journal
Go inside the Selma-Dallas County Public Library, and you&8217;ll soon hear the words, &8220;Kathryn Tucker Windham.&8221;
Her photographs from her book, &8220;Encounters,&8221; line the walls of a conference room that bears her name.
On Sunday, Windham will turn 90.
A celebration for her will begin at 10:30 a.m. at Church Street United Methodist Church, followed by a lunch.
Then, at 2 p.m. friends, well-wishers, families &8212; anyone who wants to celebrate Windham&8217;s nine decades &8212; will gather on the lawn of her beloved library downtown to continue the party.
Be prepared, though, says Nichols.
Everyone will receive a comb and some paper for a homemade kazoo to play some favorites.
Jean Martin, a Selma city council member and Windham&8217;s friend, said the comb music evolved several years ago when the story teller and others tried to figure a way to bring community together.
On Sunday, Gordon Welch, who once directed those concerts, will come in from Judson College to lead celebrants in some of the old favorites.
Although the celebration remains two days away, people here in Selma have begun sending their best to Windham.
The gang at Carter Drugs sent a message through Ann Murray on Thursday.
Harriet Foster, a board member at Pioneer Electric Cooperative writes, &8220;Happy Birthday! Kathryn Windham:
May the joy you have given to others return to you today to make your birthday the best one ever!&8221;