Volkswagen says no to Black Belt facility
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Selma Times-Journal
Add the Black Belt to the list of areasVolkswagen has ruled out for placement of a new plant.
A site in west Alabama near Meridian, Miss., was one place the company had considered locating an operation, but an Associated Press report Monday said that was not in the plans.
The site is at Meridian I-20/I-59 Industrial Park and includes 577 available acres, water and power on site and a railroad adjacent to the site. It is within 150 miles of three automotive assembly plants: Hyundai in Montgomery, Mercedes in Vance and Nissan in Canton, Miss.
The German automaker had also eliminated from consideration the Mobile and Wiregrass areas.
The AP quoted rHouston County Commission Chairman Mark Culver saying the competition for the plant now is between north Alabama and Tennessee.
Because auto manufacturers have tier plants in Selma and the surrounding area, the possibility remains that the Black Belt will be indirectly affected by Volkswagen&8217;s interest in Alabama.
Moss also said because of the area&8217;s existing resources, either Volkswagen or some other automobile company could show future interest.