Better state government is responsibility of the media and Alabama voters, writer says
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Dear editor,
This newspaper and others repeatedly lament the poor performance of the Alabama Legislature.
The answer to having a better state government rests with two groups: media personnel and voters.
Media people should study House Bill423, this session’s number for a bill that has been introduced each of the past few years, (it may be read at’s%20I&R%20bill.htm) and thoroughly educate the public about how the passage of this bill could be used to then pass real reform and accountability legislation that would bypass both the legislature and the governor.
Then, in concert with voters, media must work to get it passed by a reluctant legislature that wants to keep control over everything.
If legislators are told by enough of their constituents forcefully and repeatedly that if they don’t work to pass the bill in 2009, then those voters will work to influence as many other voters as possible to insure that the legislator loses all control, power, prestige, and perks at the polls in 2010. It’s not too early to start doing that.
Don Seibold
Selma should look past its history and into the future with new ideas, not old rhetoric
Dear editor,
Selma being a small infamous city in so many way with scandals ranging from the 1960s Bloody Sunday march; the merging of an all-black school, R.B. Hudson High to an all-white Parrish High School in the 1970s; the rapid growth of cocaine and heroin use in the 1980s; city employees being jailed for stealing millions from taxpayers and finally being exposed in the 1990s; black-on-black crimes continuing to escalate; to preachers&8217; infidelity being exposed by angry lovers, which has been around since the beginning of time, I said that to say this: The average person in Selma &8212; remember, I did say the average person, and we all know Selma has more average people than not &8212; does not know what to do with his or her life.
They have too much idle time and little to no encouragement to accomplish great things.
Encouragement is 50 percent of education. If we don&8217;t change, we don&8217;t grow. If we don&8217;t grow, we aren&8217;t really living.
It is by acts and not verbal ideas that people life. A man cannot just think and talk wisely and act foolishly.
I don&8217;t need to call names. We the people, see what we do and do not have in our town. We know our needs, our necessity for survival, and it just is not and has not happened, and we can&8217;t trust promises because spoken words by a well-spoken man can become convincing to a dreamer because he is not realistically wise.
I listen to the now-aging attorney J.L. Chestnut on his partner-owned radio, and I am now sure of previous thoughts I have had about self-preservation of blacks who achieve mainly by poor blacks who believe in a man&8217;s name; that old men are fond of giving advice to console themselves for no longer being in a position to give bad examples.
Some people are never happy, except at the price of someone ignorant.
To God be the glory.
G.A. Thomas
Watch out for the tax rebates because they are on their way, and look out for scammers
Dear editor,
Early this month, many Americans will start receiving a one-time rebate check from Uncle Sam.
President George W. Bush refers to this as our &8220;stimulus payments,&8221; and he is encouraging you to go out and spend it.
However, my advice to you, as your sister in Christ, is different. I would encourage you to pay down your debt, if this applies to you, or to save or invest.
We must learn to be good stewards, especially in our increases. This rebate will be a good opportunity and a real bonus to start a savings or investment account, especially if you do not already have one in place.
In your investment plan, remember to diversity your investments. Planning for that rainy day is a must.
To qualify for this rebate, you must file a 2007 tax return by Oct. 15, using IRS form 1040A. Your earned income must be at least $3,000 for the year. this qualifying income may come from Social Security, wages, salaries, tips, self-employment, certain veterans&8217; benefits or retirement benefits. this is a great opportunity to be included in this special stimulus act and receive this benefit.
If you earned $3,000 and paid no taxes, you will receive a $300 rebate payment. For a single person who paid taxes, you will receive a $600 rebate payment. This is a one-time rebate program. This payment will be refunded according to your Social Security numbers.
You may get a 1040A form from our public library or print one from or call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676 for forms.
Beware of scammers, and there is not a fee for having this form completed. Mail your 1040A for stimulus rebate to Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Services Center, Atlanta, GA 39901-0099.
There are various sites in Alabama that will help you complete your tax form free. For additional information, you may contact the IRS at or you may call 1-800-829-1040.
There is also volunteer income tax assistance at 1-800-906-9887 or 1-888-227-7669.
Remember, this is a free program. I am writing this information so that our community will be informed, apply for this rebate and not get scammed.
God bless you.
I love you.
Evelyn Cox
Voters may voice their opinions at the polling places on state Legislature&8217;s work
Dear editor,
I want to take this opportunity to remind all registered voters in the state of Alabama of a few very important facts.
In my opinion our representatives have failed to do the business of the state during this session of our Legislature.
Now they&8217;re talking about a special session at additional taxpayer expense. Think $3.50 per gallon gas for travel; lodging, food, not to mention salaries. If they couldn&8217;t get the job done during the regular session, what makes us think they will do it in a special session?
What they have proven capable of accomplishing is voting themselves a nice raise right after the last election.
I&8217;m sure they don&8217;t want you to remember that.
Wake up Alabama!
I hate to say this, but since we put them in office, we are getting exactly what we deserve.
Dr. Kenny Hatcher