Politicians make themselves accessible when campaigning
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 25, 2008
Dear editor,
The year 2008 will be one that will go down in history; the year where strong possibilities are showing that history will be changed forever.
The possibility that we may have our first black president or our first female president will surely go down in history around the world.
Now, on the local level, as we prepare to decide whether we want to keep what we got or try change, in hopes that we can move forward together to bring visible change for the well-being of all people, will be an experience we will never forget.
I predict that this race will be one we will be very familiar with; this is what we will see and have been seeing the last two months.
You will see our mayor very accessible. You won&8217;t have to make appointments and be told he is not available and never get through to him. He will be returning all calls and attending every funeral with a resolution and every program that takes place. Remember, like he did four years ago.
Pastors and members will be courted like virgins for the very first time. You will actually see city workers in predominantly black wards with city equipment cleaning the next few months. The sidewalks will actually look like human beings live in the wards.
You will see main streets a little cleaner. The council people we voted for four years ago will be very visible in the churches first of all, and there will be more meetings than Jesus had with the 12 disciples.
You will see the TrustBuild in areas you never saw them in, knocking on your door or leaving a tag kind of like the ones you get when they are getting ready to disconnect something, telling you they are there for you and your needs. But actually, all you will get is directions to places you already know to go; just a dressed-up name for pre-campaigning with your tax dollars.
There will be radio talk shows with everybody on them, from great white hopes to running scared politicians playing the race care, which is old &8212; I mean old game a talking baby can play.
Please don&8217;t buy into that. Please, let&8217;s vote for whatever and whoever sincerely cares about our needs and our children&8217;s future.
Willie Harris