Council needs lessons from Miss Manners
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The issue: Some council members insist on showing out when they don&8217;t get their way.
Our position: The public deserves better.
The people&8217;s business has become more of a three-ring circus than thoughtfully considered policy making.
Take, for example, the drama that unfolded Monday night toward the end of the Selma City Council meeting. Several council members didn&8217;t get what they wanted, so they up and left.
This borders on the actions of some junior high school students. Indeed, many junior high school students are better behaved than Council member Johnny Leashore. Instead of discussing issues rationally, Leashore allows his emotions to rule. His temper gets away with him, and he&8217;s basically ineffective as a leader at that point.
Recently, Council Member Bennie Ruth Crenshaw spent several minutes of taxpayers&8217; time to lambaste Council President George Evans about changing the rules of the council&8217;s meetings to allow him to handle unruly members. Crenshaw tossed down the gauntlet when she said she&8217;d test the rules.
She, too, left the council meeting Monday night because votes didn&8217;t go her way.
With the challenges the city has facing it, these antics just make matters worse. The people of Selma deserve better treatment of their time &8212; bickering like schoolchildren doesn&8217;t prepare the way for good policy making.
Come on, council members, mind your manners and go about the people&8217;s business with pride and care. After all, that&8217;s why you were elected.