Letter to the editor

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Most qualified candidate is critical

Dear Editor:

Our children grow up, and our action now has enormous consequences for the future of our community.

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Understandable, there is nothing about this factor that&8217;s rocket science. However, repeatedly our action seems to have very little to do with this fact. It&8217;s dire time for us to examine our true motives as we address the process for electing the best candidate for the position of superintendent.

I believe the Selma City School system qualified board of directors is able to arrive at a consensus for the most competent individual to provide the leadership for our children&8217;s education future. Whereas politic can be viewed as positive, politics and political influence are elements that should be guarded.

Our children&8217;s future deserves the best and depends on capable adults. This decision is one of the most important one our leaders can make.

My challenge to the leaders, including the citizens of Selma is to allow your action to be a part of what Selma&8217;s school system deserves &045; the best and most qualified leader for our children.

Audrey Miller