Public safety building waits on approval from commission
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Wilson Baker Public Safety Building needs a new elevator, but plans have to clear Selma Historic Development Commission.
The building at 20 Franklin St. was renovated three years ago and is home to TrustBuild, the city’s community outreach department. TrustBuild takes up the first floor, but the city’s plans to expand use upstairs now means it
has to be handicap accessible.
Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act is forcing the commission to search for the most suitable locale for an elevator, which has to be added to the outside of the building.
During Thursday’s meeting commission member Charles Johnson suggested they table giving the green light to the project until hearing from the contractor.
“They’ll be here to explain at the next meeting,” said Patty Sexton, tourism preservation coordinator.
The brick has been matched up &045; which is a requirement of any expansion or renovation of any property located in the downtown or Old Town historic districts. Now, commissioners want to understand the plans for “making the elevator blend in,” looking like it was there all along.
Their next meeting is set for Nov. 15 at 4 p.m. at City Hall.
The commission has the responsibility of making sure structures within the districts maintain their authenticity, something commissioners say at times is a struggle.