Council hikes fines for noise

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 9, 2007

For several months &045; if not years &045; some Selma residents have expressed frustration with the level of noise in their neighborhoods.

The Selma City Council took action Monday that could curb those violations.

With 17 recent noise violations, city officials decided it was time to toughen the ordinance.

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With unanimous approval, council members voted to heighten the fee for first-time offenders of the city’s noise ordinance by $250.

According to the current City of Selma ordinance, if an officer can hear the noise five feet away, an infraction may occur. If a citation is issued, the cost is $375. If a second citation is issued, the cost of the ticket is $625.

According to the City of Selma Magistrate’s office, a third offense would lead the individual to Municipal Court before a judge.

City officials hear their fair share of complaints when the noise ordinance is violated. In some neighborhoods, the loud music vibrates windows and home interiors and is almost a nightly occurrence.

Since pleas for common courtesy and even the existing fines did not seem to be enough to deter violators, maybe taking a hit in the wallet will be.