Watch this: It’s about to blow

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 4, 2007

Learning, imagination erupt at B.K. Craig



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A hands-on approach to learning has helped third graders at Bruce K. Craig Elementary School learn about volcanoes.

They’re even coming to class telling their teacher about volcanic eruptions seen on the Discovery Channel at home, or in the news. Their teacher said the project required parental involvement, which was another plus.

Students demonstrated their science projects by filling the craters with baking soda, then adding vinegar. Add a hint of red food coloring and lava begins to form, spilling over running down the walls &045; just like on National Geographic.

Not exactly.

There is no duplication for the heat from boiling hot magma that reshapes the earth and shorelines.

The students enjoyed their projects so much they used up all of their baking soda and vinegar. They shared until their supplies were all gone.

The lesson created more interest from the parents, something James said they are trying to increase.