School problems bigger than dance line

Published 12:00 am Monday, September 24, 2007

To the Editor:

It seems like our superintendent, Dr. Verdell Dawson, is emulating the same patterns and fallacies the former principal, Mr. Wilson had when he was at Selma High.

With a doctorate degree, one would think that the problems that plague Selma High School go beyond nit-picking at the dance line. The superb performance of the band and dance line is the only reason I attend Selma High football games.

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Has Dr. Dawson attended one game this year? I think Dr. Dawson has forgotten all the first place trophies and money the dance line won in competitions the past three years.

Organizations, charity groups and other people often request the dance line to perform when they have various programs. They have performed at many charity events. They are the only group/auxiliary who is asked to perform for various events.

I personally think Dr. Dawson and her administrative staff should concentrate on raising Selma High’s graduation exam rate, improving discipline and concentrating on making AYP. I haven’t seen or read anything about all the fights that occur at the school almost every week.

Tell the parents who are complaining about the dance line to volunteer their time in tutoring, mentoring an academically challenged student or just patrol the halls at Selma High.

Where’s the discipline plan? Where’s the school improvement plan?

I haven’t read about any improvements or strategies that Selma High will employ to meet AYP standards. Dr. Dawson, get your same review team and come up with some strategies that will address the high school dropout rate, attendance and other areas that’s involved in meeting AYP at Selma High School.

Please ask the parents and others on your review team if they are satisfied with the lack of progress Selma High made this year.

Who’s concerned about the large number of seniors who failed the

graduation exam? Why isn’t there any concern from the parents? Let the review team look into that! Not one parent commented about Selma High not making AYP.

If we as a community can come up with some strategies to help improve our children’s academic performance, social interaction, physical endurance, discipline and mental state of mind, then we will see more positive results on the graduation exam, the dropout rate will decrease, attendance will improve and the overall school environment will be conducive for learning.

Samolia M. Brown