Ensure safety of schools, children

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 16, 2007

On school campuses across the country, security has become an increasing concern.

There was recently an incident in Selma involving a 9-year-old who had walked to his grandparent’s house from

Edgewood Elementary School. A man apparently attempted to abduct the boy.

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A few days later, a man attempted to abduct a young girl at a bus stop.

Thursday night at the Selma City Board of Education, a citizen requested board members support an effort to put a fence around Edgewood.

Approximately $6,000 is needed to assist in securing the portion of the campus closest to Highland Avenue, with a wrought iron fence being used that would enhance the campus.

Safety at schools should be a priority for all administrators and this seems a small price to pay to help secure this particular campus.

The plan would involve closing off the south side of the school, closest to U.S. Highway 80, with fencing with keyed gate entrances, giving the keys to the teachers.

The school board is currently considering the request.

We applaud the effort by parents, teachers and other citizens to bring a measure of safety on the Edgewood Elementary School campus.

The reality is that it will take much more study and money to secure the campuses within the system’s schools.

It’s also important to note that both of the recent incidents took place off school property. All of our public officials should consider measures to help ensure our children are as safe as they can be.