State department reviews appeal
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 1, 2007
City school system, CHAT make AYP
The appeal filed by Selma City Schools has been answered by the state department, which sent notification the school system, and Selma Middle CHAT Academy have made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
Selma City Schools had been one of two systems out of 131 in Alabama that did not make AYP.
School officials learned late Friday after being notified by the Alabama Department of Education, the school system made AYP, the measurement that keeps schools and systems in compliance with the federal No Child Left Behind law. Part of the problem had been test results that were not credited to Selma City Schools.
Simmons-Ervin said they contacted the state and sent the documentation along with their appeal. School officials had expected good news from the Alabama Department of Education that Selma City Schools did make AYP, along with Selma Middle CHAT Academy. The corrections won’t help Selma High School, however, which Simmons-Ervin said was hurt by the number of recorded dropouts.
AYP news welcomed
Interim Superintendent Dr. Verdell Lett Dawson said that she proud of the teamwork exhibited by administrators during the appeal process and that she is pleased with the results.