An appeal to all Selma’s citizens

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 26, 2007

To The Editor:

In response to Charles Rasheed’s letter, An Open Letter To Selma’s Black Citizens (Aug. 22, 2007). I have only one thing to say.


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Selma’s black electorate must not only develop the maturity. We, notice I said we, must develop the courage to question the actions of our so-called leadership even if they do happen to look like us.

As a black man I understood what Mr. Rasheed was trying to convey in his letter … that corruption and ineptitude comes in all colors, not just white.

And blacks must be able to tell the difference. However, my only point of contention with him is that he didn’t make his appeal to all of Selma’s citizens.

The insanity that’s been permeating city hall and the council chamber affects all of us, both black and white, and for Selma to become the diamond that it has the potential of being we have to stop thinking in racial terms and think in terms of what candidate, be they black or white running for mayor or city council, has the integrity, vision

and spirit of cooperation that can make that diamond shine through.

Despite that point of contention, Mr. Rasheed, this is one black citizen that’s willing to join you in studying the water board and all the other issues that’s crippling our city.

It’s my hope that all of Selma’s citizens are inspired to do the same … her future depends on it.

Terry Lewis