Calling all bands

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Emergency responders plan &8216;Be Ready’ event

By Deborah Goodwin

The Selma Times-Journal

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September is National Preparedness Month and local responders are planning a weekend of learning fun.

The &8216;Be Ready’ disaster preparedness event is being planned for Sept. 28 and 29 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Selma Mall. The event, planned by the Dallas County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), will be a collaborative effort of a long list of emergency responding agencies.

Friday is &8220;Kids Day&8221; and local school bands, booster clubs, cheerleaders, choirs and dance teams are encouraged to participate.

A poster contest is planned for area 5th and 6th graders. The public will vote for their favorite poster by putting money in containers marked for that poster. The proceeds from the contest will be divided equally by the local Red Cross and Salvation Army.

Saturday will be Family and Senior Adult Day.

Emergency responders will be set up inside and outside of the mall both days. A plethora of free information will be available to the community including preparedness kits, which there will be drawings for, and CDs containing preparedness information. Many other items will also be given away.

A very large crowd is expected both days and members of the media will be present.

Sept. 30 is &8220;Be Ready Sunday&8221; and all local churches will receive disaster preparedness information that will be inserted into their church bulletins.

The goal of National Preparedness Month is to increase public awareness about the importance of emergency preparedness and to encourage individuals to prepare themselves and their families.

Contact Dukes for entertainment information at 874-2565 or EMA Deputy Director Rhonda Hardy for more information at 875-2515.