We must get rid of crime in Selma

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 13, 2007

To the Editor:

How sad

to continue to read of the gross thefts and loss of property that were shared in Aug. 10, 2007, STJ.

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The majority of Americans are kind, compassionate hardworking individuals who by now might find it difficult to try and not become cynical regarding today’s culture.

Regretfully, we have more than our share of those amongst us who possess a victim mentality,

and a sense of entitlement.

The perpetrator in attendance of the well respected physician’s funeral indicates they are morally corrupt and devoid

of common decency.

As the author related the day’s events and her opinion, the thief doesn’t take into account that she was intelligent enough to take the appropriate actions to protect her interests after the fact.

All said, the valuables will be of no benefit. The inconvenience is a bitter fact of life.

I challenge the thief amongst us to return to priceless photography this grandmother holds dear.

Is there a remote possibility there was a witness who would do what they know they should do?

This inconsiderate act of humanity has been all to common an occurrence.

Perhaps others also were victims of

thefts from your churches’ parking lots last Christmas.

It doesn’t seem to me that neighbors are trying to be observant

enough to reduce these crimes.

“A cup of cool water in Jesus’ name” I’m sure is

not the paramount need in the life of this inconsiderate citizen.

You apparently respected the late Dr. Greene, why not the Christian lady whom I feel certain never wronged you?

Do you have a personal vendetta against women, or just fine Christians whose charity you would readily avail yourself?

Again to the thief,

do you not consider your soul and realize there is no right way to do wrong? In closing, is there a logical reason why I observe a common occurrence in many stores of shoppers leaving their purses and contents in full view in their shopping carts?

Another crime waiting to happen?

You be the judge.

Thanks Selma!

Doris Taylor