Man reported dead in coma
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 6, 2007
Reports to local police that Jakob &8220;Jake&8221; Randall Wright died as a result of injuries sustained in a train collision Aug. 3 were not true. Wright remains in a coma at UAB Hospital, family members said.
Wright, 30, was the driver of an S-10 Chevrolet pickup traveling east on Cahaba Road when he and his passenger, Felecia Vonceal Gill, 26, collided with a train. The passenger was killed instantly, police said, and Wright was transported to UAB Medical Center.
Family members said they don’t know how word got to authorities Wright died, but he continues to cling to life. They said phones were &8220;ringing off the hook&8221; and all kinds of rumors were flying.
Wright’s uncle, C.R. Klinner, said Sunday his nephew &8220;actually looked much better today.&8221;
Klinner said doctors have told family members they have seen worse injuries and patients make recoveries, but to remain cautiously optimistic.
Friends and family members were angry Sunday. They said the dark curve leading to the railroad crossing on Cahaba Road should have better lighting. M&B Railroad representatives were in Selma on Friday meeting with police, and told authorities the flashers were working.
Attempts to reach representatives at Mississippi-based M&B Railroad have been unsuccessful.